About Eleanor
Hello, my name is Eleanor, welcome to my Nutritional Therapy website.
I am a BSc., degree qualified Registered Nutritional Therapist. I first trained with the Institute for Optimum Nutrition in London (2009), before completing the BSc in Nutritional Medicine at The University of West London. Both courses taught the Functional Medicine model, which looks to optimise health by putting in place what a healthy body needs to function well.
Functional Medicine is a model of healthcare that works particularly well to prevent chronic, ‘lifestyle-related’ (non-communicable) diseases, the sort that can manifest after many years indulging in poor diet or poor lifestyle choices. With the right support, changing such lifestyle behaviours can sometimes be the single most effective therapy for an individual, yet these root causes of chronic disease are largely ignored, rarely investigated or even acknowledged.
The utility of dietary change lies in the power of NUTRIENTS and the understanding of what the body requires to function well, and how it uses them and literally depends on them. Feeding a body with calories that are empty or devoid of vital nutrients will eventually cause it to malfunction, like giving an engine the wrong fuel.
The vastly sophisticated arena of functional testing available now is also allowing practitioners to thoroughly investigate a person’s health and nutrient status and to signpost as yet undiagnosed health issues, that may be contributing to their symptoms.
After 13 years of clinical practice, I support a range of clients who are either referred by medical practitioners or come to me direct. I have a special interest in gut health, optimising digestion, supporting autoimmune conditions, gluten sensitivities and pre-conceptual health/fertility. I believe in a philosophy of shared education. What I learn, I like to pass on. Understanding generates empowerment, and is more likely to induce long-term behavioural change, which in turn will bring about better health.

dietary advice can often seem contradictory and complex – a fully qualified, evidence based nutrition coach can bring clarity and assurance
Eleanor is a full member of BANT, the British Association for Nutrition & Lifestyle Medicine, an associate member of the Royal Society of Medicine and ‘Food and Behaviour Research’ and is registered with the Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC). She is also nutrition advisor to Dr Morton’s – the medical helpline.
Educational Seminars and Conferences
- 14.08.2020 Ihcan Conference (1 day Virtual Event) (GI biomarkers; Brain inflammation & Cognition).
- 15.08.2020 Immune Resilience: Common Interferences To Healthy Digestion; the Vagus Nerve, Bile, Lymph, Parasitic Infections. Jo Rignola
- 12.08.2020 Fertilitydx Testing: whole Body Assessment To Optimise Conception Part 1 & 2. FunctionalDx
- 23.07.2020 'How To Choose the Right Gi Tests; Datis Kharazzian
- 16.07.2020 'Oral Health & COVID-19' Invivo Healthcare
- 16.06.2020 'Neurodegenerative Disease, Cognition & the Microbiome. ADM Protein
- 10.06.202 'Liver Function webinar' BioNutri
- 09.06.202 'Microbiome & the first 1,000 days of Life. Optibac
- 20.05.2020 'Perimenopause & Menopause. Regenerus Lab
- 20.05.2020 'Urine testing to monitor transdermal oestrogen delivery. Precision Analytica
- 13.05.2020 'Dyslipidemia Parts 1 & 2' - BANT
- 12.05.2020 'Mycoimmunotherapy Guidelines. Hifas da Terra
- 07.04.2020 Immune resilience, Th1 & Th2 response. Dr Kara Fitzgerald
- 28.01.2020 'The Science behind G. I. Ecologix' Invivo Healthcare
- 17.12.2019 'Pattern & Content Recognition with microbiome testing' Invivo Healthcare
- 08.10.2019 'Immune Dysregulation as a driver of Autoimmunity' IHCAN conference webinar
- 08.10.2019 'Organic Acids, Environmental Pollutants' Invivo Healthcare
- 28.09.2019 'Female Ecology'. Invivo Healthcare
- 11.09.2019 'Using Herbs & Binders to Detox'. Bridget Danner
- 15.08.2019 'Glyphosate, toxic chemical' Health Matters LIVE
- 14.08.2019 'Period Perspectives: from Menarch to Menopause'. Regenerus Lab
- 20.06.2019 'The body's microbiome and how it affects health'. Dr Rav with Pure Encapsulations
- 20.02.2019 'G.I.Map' Training webinar. Invivo Healthcare
- 15.02.2019 'GI Effects & Nutreval' (1 day conference at the Holiday Inn, Kensington) Genova Diagnostics
- 13.10.2018 ‘The Gestational Summit’ (2 day conference, Kensington, London) Regenerus Lab.
- 08.08.2018 IHCAN Conference webinar “Digestive Enzymes: Clinical considerations in IBS, SIBO, Dysbiosis, & Leaky-gut.” (Online) Dr M T Murray ND
- August 2018 'Stem Cells' Dr Vincent Giampara (Online)
- July 2018 ‘The Gluten Summit’ Dr Tom O’Bryan (Online)
- 16.05.2018 ‘New frontiers in Lyme Testing’. Dr Nicholas MD BCA Lab (Regenerus Lab)
- May 2018 ‘Human Longevity Project’ (9 part documentary series): Online
- March 2018 Online ‘Oral Health Summit’. Biological dentistry, Integrative medicine, dental materials and procedures, with health implications.
- January/February 2018 ‘Heavy Metals Summit’ (Online)
- 07.10.2017 ‘Making the Best of Stress’ (Cytoplan, Riverside Building, County Hall)
- 28.08.2017 Neuroplasticity & Optimising Brain Function (online summit: Dr Perlmutter)
- 10.06.2017 Integrative Healthcare & Applied Nutrition Summit (Bishop’s Gate, London), Target Publishing
- 17.01.2017 Functional Forum (Royal Soc Med)
- 08.12.2016 Forum participator: Role of Accredited Reg Workforce: Improving Public Health; (Royal Society of Public Health)
- 08.09.2016 Why Nutrition Is The Key to ALZHEIMER’S (Cytoplan, Cavendish Conference Centre)
- 02.09.2016 MAP MY GUT MICROBIOME training course (Coursera)
- 25.06.2016 CAM SUMMIT Genetic testing, and Adverse Childhood Events (BANT & Target Publishing)
- 28.05.2016 Hidden Health Trends In Clinical Settings (Blood chemistry analysis: FDx & Regenerus lab)
- 14.04.2016 The Triad of Environmentally -Induced AUTOIMMUNITY (UCL)
- 12.03.2016 NUTRIGENOMICS In Practice: ‘METHYLATION’ (Royal Society of Medicine)
- 18.07.2015 GENESNIPPERS NUTRIGENOMICS COURSE Part 2 (Northern college of Acupuncture)
- 27.06.2015 GENESNIPPERS NUTRIGENOMICS COURSE Part 1 (Northern College of Acupuncture)
- 26.06.2015 ‘Reproductive Immunology & Nutritional Approaches to support IVF’ (Royal Soc. of Medicine)
- 14.03.2015 ‘Brain Health’ (CAM Conference) BANT
- 10.02.2015 ‘Healthy Gut Summit’ (Body Ecology) online webinar
- 13.01.2015 ‘Methylation’ (Robyn Puglia) Biolab, London
- 08.11.2014 ‘Gut/Brain Axis (CAM Conference) BANT
- 10.05.2014 ‘Anti-Aging’ (CAM Conference) BANT
- 09.05.2014 ‘Optimal Brain Metabolism: from foetus to senior citizen’ Bonusan (King’s London)
- 29.03.2014 ‘Clinical Trinity’ Nutri-Link (Royal Society of Medicine)
- 20.02.2014 ‘Understanding Metabolic Syndrome & its effect on Reproduction’ Royal Society of Medicine Lecture
- 20.11.2013 ‘Auto-immunity’ Nutri-Link (Royal Society of Medicine)
- 29.10.2013 ‘Feeding Healthy Minds’: Maternal & Infant Nutrition. Food & Behaviour Research (Royal College of Surgeons)
- 16.05.2013 ‘Omega-3 EPA: Impact on Mood Disorders’ Igennus Healthcare, Dr Nina Bailey
- 19.04.2013 ‘Nutritional Connections of the Endocrine System’ Bionutri
- 09.03.2013 ‘Chronic Fatigue/Mood’ BANT (CAM Conference)
- 11/12/2012 ‘Dietary strategies for the management of Cardiovascular risk’ The Nutrition Society (RSM)
- 22/23.09.2012 ‘Unravelling the Web of Chronic Fatigue’ BANT, Nutri, NNA ( CAM conference, London)
- 15.09.2012 ‘Women, gut disorders and clinical protocols’ BANT (CAM Conference)
- 22.05.2012 ‘Hormones & Women’s Health: Using Diagnostic Tools (Genova Diagnostics London
- 01.05.2012 ‘Gut Microbiota & the education of the Immune system’ Genova Diagnostics London)